Requesting your sign(s) and software is only one step in the process of getting on-campus digital signage for your unit. Please note: In most cases, the physical installation of digital signage should be done with assistance from Capital Projects.
Before requesting a new sign, review our get started guide.
In order to effectively process your request, please be prepared to provide accurate answers to the following questions and refrain from entering any temporary or “placeholder” information.
Please note: This request must be approved by your fiscal officer. If you are not 100% certain, please do not proceed. You are also responsible for contacting your workstation support or IT Pro to request assistance with software installation. IT professionals can contact us for software installation support by emailing More detailed technical information for IT Pros can be found in the IT Pro section of our documentation.
Campus - e.g., IU Bloomington, IUPUI, IU Kokomo
Building Name and Address - The building name and address where your digital sign will be displayed.
Player Location Floor/Level - e.g. First Floor, Atrium, Basement
Building Code - Find your building code.
School/Organization - e.g. School of Education, Student Ethics Office
Responsibility Center (RC) Code - Obtain this code from your Fiscal Officer.
Computer Name(s) - Enter the computer name or unique identifier (e.g. hardware tag) of your digital signage machine(s) you wish to register. Please avoid using a temporary names. Every digital sign has a unique "Deployment ID' which is used to connect the PC to the signage network as well as being used as the ID for billing. For tracking purposes, the unique identifier you provide will be used for generating each Deployment ID.
Signage Manager, Marketing Director, Fiscal Officer Contact Information -The signage manager is the person who will be the main system administrator of the digital signage. The Fiscal Officer is responsible for the Memo of Understanding. Submit the following for each contact:
- Name
- Email Address
IT Pro or Support Entity - Provide the name of an IT Pro or the entity which provides your workstation support.
IU Account Number - The billing account for your signs.
Special Instructions - If needed, enter any extra instructions regarding sign setup.
You must agree to the following Memo of Understanding to complete the form.
Digital Signage electronic memo of understanding:
- Participation in the digital signage system is subject to cost sharing. The cost is determined by measuring the total number of days a device exists in the system over the course of one fiscal cycle. The fees collected at the end of each fiscal cycle are used to recover the cost of the enterprise licensing agreement with the software vendor.
- All Digital Signage hardware must be approved and installed with supervision by IU Capital Projects.
- There are no restrictions on internal university related advertising.
- External advertising is prohibited unless given prior approval by IU Brand leadership.
- Setup of each device includes automatic deployment of university-wide and campus specific campaign content.
- Client agrees to display campus-specific or university-wide campaign content limited to ten minutes (maximum) per hour. More info about this requirement.
- Client must agree to allow emergency messages/warnings to be displayed on their signs.
Agreeing to MOU terms includes the following support services: - Software Licensing procurement
- Software system administration
- User access
- Ongoing support and training for digital sign managers and IU IT Pros
Agreeing to MOU terms does not include the following:
• Design or programming templates for distribution
• Deployment of content for sign managers/publishers
• Support of physical hardware
Signs or user accounts with more than a year of inactivity may be subject to removal from the system. Digital signage administrators reference system logs to measure daily activity for accurate cost calculations.
If you are ready to begin, proceed to the form.