Purchasing digital signage requires that the unit pay hardware, installation, annual, and ongoing costs.
Digital signage configurations have a wide range of options and can differ greatly in size and functionality between setups. Display options vary from small touch screen tablets to massive video walls.
The vast majority of digital signage configurations here at IU are 1080p HD flat screen displays with a small form-factor Windows computer tucked behind the display.
Most modern displays are rated for 30,000 - 60,000 hours of use.
Hardware and software setup for IT Pros.
To calculate the total cost of a digital signage installation, sum the amounts of these components:
- PC, Smart TV or Tablet PC
- Monitor/Display (not needed for Smart TV or tablet)
- Mounting hardware for monitor/display
- Physical plant installation/mounting
- Network hardware, power outlets, cables and/or accessories (if needed)
- Cost recovery for software on each device - approximately $175.00/year
The Bloomington campus hires installations in-house from Facilities Operations. Most other campuses hire installation services from outside vendors. Purchasing and Capital Projects will coordinate those efforts. Installation costs may vary and can include adding power and network connections, wall build out, etc.
Due to the rapidly changing marketplace we do not advise on specific brand or model recommendations for windows-based digital signage devices. To confirm the devices you plan to purchase are compatible with the software, please email dsign@iu.edu. SmartTV technology options also exist with specific models listed on this page.
IU knowledge base provides a list of vendors to purchase hardware. Work with IU Purchasing to order the hardware. Hardware ordering instructions and contact information can be found on the Purchasing website.